Cheryl’s story about Panda’s Rescue

No one wanted beautiful little Panda. She was blind in one eye, and had the tops of her ears bitten off. She was at the dog pound so long that the decision had been made to euthanize her. But one person thought of calling me. I said I’d pick her up. But after hearing about her medical issues with the blind eye, I asked them what needed to be done. They said the eye needed to be removed because it was causing her constant pain. Because I’d rescued so many, I asked them if they would remove the eye. And - they did!

So, Panda came to be with us, and has been adored ever since as you can see from the photos below. Panda, we found out, had been used as a “bait dog”. A fighting dog owner puts a weak dog, the Bait Dog, in with the dog they are training to fight, in order to boost the fighting dogs confidence. Often the weak bait dog’s mouth is taped to protect the so-called Fighting Dog. It’s a horrible cruelty.

Sweet Panda is just one example of salvation for those dogs that are headed for euthenasia, but whose lives and health are rescued by Hope for Horses and Huskies.
